Centro properties contacted SAS+Associates to submit a C-5 site plan plan set due to a MnDOT taking on the adjacent Right of Way. This reduction in the site acreage with subsequent loss of on-site parking along with the requirement to meet new city zoning codes pertaining to site and perimeter landscaping necessitated a restructuring of parking fields and entry drives into the site.
SAS worked with the owners, to reconfigure the entry drive in order to provide a separation between incoming and exiting traffic. In addition, interior landscape islands were created to define traffic flows, improve pedestrian connections, and add landscaping and screening. The addition of parking islands and landscaping define both the vehicular and pedestrian travelways while improving stormwater by adding shade elements and infiltration areas.
The work performed on the site provided a fresh look for the property while extending the landscaped corridor of Maple Grove Road as it extends towards Highway 53.