Brighton Beach Park, which is a part of the park named Kitchi Gammi Park, is located along Lake Superior’s rocky shoreline just before you head north on Highway 61 out of Duluth.
The proposed project would become a “trailhead” to the north and serve as the Eastern “bookend” for City of Duluths Lakewalk. This site’s focuses include connectivity and accessibility. The park is used heavily as a rest stop for travelers headed to and from the North Shore of Lake Superior as well as a daily refuge for city of Duluth residence. The addition of site elements such as dedicated parking area and a restroom facility would greatly expand the fine points of the park
The park encourages many water based activities: fishing, wading, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, rock throwing, wave watching, and nature study. Plans include campsites for kayakers and canoeists. The park offers recreational opportunities to picnic, walk and/or bike trails, a playground, and to enjoy the view of Lake Superior. Beach weddings are very popular at this location, especially at sunrise.
Brighton Beach Park connects with the east extension of the Duluth Lakewalk and currently connects with old Scenic North Shore Drive, which is popular with cyclists.