The Arlington Soccer Complex contains three existing soccer fields, a bituminous parking lot and maintenance building. The nature of the land is that one field and the parking lot are on a lower terrace level and the two remaining fields are located on an upper terrace. The City of Duluth desired to study the possibility of an accessible walkway to the upper fields as well as create a more inviting entrance to the complex.
SAS created a master plan which envisions landscaping and sidewalks for the existing parking lot to provide pedestrian safety and summertime shading of the parking. In addition, a plaza which surrounds the existing building allows for seating and picnic tables and serves as the entry feature to the complex. The hillside is proposed to be regraded in order to create an accessible path to traverse the slope. If desired the additional soil from this grading activity could be used to create a seating berms for fields. A larger patio and new shelter with potential restrooms is proposed for the upper fields. This patio and structure area could provide space for up to 144 people and could be used for both soccer tournaments as well as community events. The master plan provides for a unified sports complex which provides greater accessibility as well as providing shelter and amenities for the spectators and community.